I hadn’t planned this, but I am in the mood. Having meandered to the computer with the credits for Inside Out 2 still rolling on the television, I sit at my desk. Usually, my wife is in bed, doing something on her phone, while I’m at the computer typing something new for my website. This…
Do Bunny, Egg, and Jesus Really Mix?
Exploring Christian traditions often provides a fresh outlook. Reflecting on this, I observed how my church community was gearing up for the celebrations. Discussions were centered around preparing eggs, decorating actual ones, and filling plastic ones with sweets and money. Fortunately, there was no mention of purchasing a bunny costume, as individuals costumed as the…
The Chosen: Season 4 Review (Part 2)
Episodes 4-6 of Season 4 begin with Jesus and the disciples comforting Thomas in his grief over Ramah’s death. As they transport her body to her native town, they are confronted by Kafni, her father, and his men. Overcome with sorrow, Kafni lashes out at Thomas verbally. While Thomas endures Kafni’s tirade, Jesus remains notably…
The Chosen: Season 4 Review – 8/10
The initial episodes of The Chosen: Season 4 were recently shown in theaters, and with the theatrical run for episodes 1-3 concluding yesterday, many are now anticipating the season’s release for free online streaming. Is it worth the wait? Be aware, spoilers follow. Before the premiere of the show’s first batch of theatrical episodes, director…
God Is in the Drama
I’ve seen The Chosen: Season 4, episodes 1-3, in the theatre. Having waited a year to see what this season would hold, I can now say it was worth the wait, and it’s inspired some reflection. The Chosen is a blessing to Christians. Dallas Jenkins and his team had pulled back the veil of Christian…